But as community matriarch Abuela (Yvonne Strumecki) makes clear in her show-stopping ode to both the Cuba and New York City of her childhood, how much we might wish to leave the past behind is always tempered by how much we are bound to each other.
- Tony Farrell (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Yvonne Strumecki has an incredibly moving, spotlight moment that shows off her vocal prowess in "Paciencia y Fe."
- Jeremy Bustin (Broadway World)
...very honest performance(s) and great vocals
- Joan Tupponce (Richmond Family Magazine)
Strumecki is the emotional anchor of both the musical and the neighborhood as Abuela. Her performance of “Paciencia y Fe,” is particularly affecting as it looks back on her journey to the States from Cuba while surrounded by dancers in 1940s garb.